Friday, January 26, 2018

The secrets of the jungle, The Amazon rain forest.

The Amazon rainforest, covering much of northwestern Brazil and extending into Colombia, Peru and other South American countries, is the world’s largest tropical rainforest, famed for its biodiversity. It’s crisscrossed by thousands of rivers, including the powerful Amazon. River towns, with 19th-century architecture from rubber-boom days, include Brazil’s Manaus and BelĂ©m and Peru’s Iquitos and Puerto Maldonado. Some people at times think the jungle is so bad to go inside because of fear of poisinous spiders ,wild animals and many other reasons . But in our eyes as ecologist, we see the jungle as a beauty of nature that needs to be preserved . It is difficult to find places with such  beauty of nuture and the wildlife that blows your mind, because of man acts of industrialisation  and environmental degredation . Take a look.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Jamaica .The Land of Reggae

The caribbean Island is not only the land of Reggae but it is also a facinating tourist attraction . For lovers ,divers ,surfuers ,and others and also luminous planton in the waters . Let us take a look!

Africa. A continent or a country!

I just wonder why people will say Africa is a country and not a continent. Is it lack of information or just poor just too much poor image about the continent? Lets find out!


newafrica: we bring to you places you can visit in Africa and the world.

Monday, January 22, 2018


You must have heard of the safar in Africa and will like to visit,,,Safari is the most visited places in Africa. The gateway to the Safari the countries include KENYA and Tanzania,ans most of the East African countries.These countries have seen great change in their economies due to the benefit of tourism . But people still hunt in this areas and it affects so much.eventhough environmentalists try to protect these animals but yet black market for the animal skins and bones still continue.

African delicacy!

One of the most preffered food of africans is rice but not every rice taste good. The special rice according to Africans is known as Jallof rice. Some countries contest the the position of who prepares the best jollof rice in west Africa. after watching this

newafrica: Mangaia

newafrica: Mangaia: One of the cook Islands. Tropic is the best


One of the cook Islands. Tropic is the best


Have you ever heard of this place? It is in the hearts of the pacific ocean. Its environment is pure and untouched by climate changes factors . Too far and expensive but there is a saying *when you want something you go get it* .It is worth visiting ,wish i could . Can you?

Another African paradise!

The Comoros Islands, situated in the Indian Ocean. It is a place worth visiting ,

The secrets of the jungle, The Amazon rain forest.

The Amazon rainforest, covering much of northwestern Brazil and extending into Colombia, Peru and other South American countries, is the...